Thursday, October 9, 2008

ET coming to us on 10/14/08??

It’s all in the article, but apparently a women named Blossom Goodchild
, yeah I know, predicted a few months back that on October 14th 2008 species from another planet will make themselves known. She predicts it will be in Alabama, sure why not Alabama. She also says they will be here not to take over but to better ourselves as human beings, before we destroy this planet.

Now I am a believer in aliens existing on other planets, hell I will even go so far to say that some might even be here among us. I know that's crazy but seriously, anybody who thinks that out of all of the universe we are the only existing beings, well I'm sorry but that's insane. Now I'm not saying what this woman says is true and it WILL happen, but I sure as hell am intrigued. I really don't expect anything to happen next Tuesday, coincidentally the new Indian Jones comes out and that had aliens in it. Maybe that's what they meant. So I guess we should just watch the skies for the next week or so and keep an open mind on Tuesday because hey you never know. This does remind me a little bit of 'Signs' that movie by M. Night Shamalam(sp?). So if you excuse me I am going to go make a tinfoil hat and watch the skies.

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