Sunday, October 26, 2008

Immature jokes are funny....

For those that didnt see it last night. This made the 14yr old in me laugh....Just thought Id pass it along to those that missed it....

Plus it gave me a reason to tag a post with "Finger in Butts".

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Redemption? Lets hope so....

First, I want to start by saying; Im not the TV guy. Nate is the TV guy, but I saw the commercial for this again last night and felt that I needed to post something. Its been well over a week since I posted anything here on the blog. Serious writers block, but anyways....

Does anyone else find it kind of funny (and ironic) that the name of the "24" tv movie, that is set to air November 23rd, is "Redemption"? When I finally saw the commercial, during the MLB playoffs, I have to admit I got a good laugh out of that. After the horrific display that was season 6, redemption, is exactly what this series needs.

"24 Redemption" will follow the exploits of Jack Bauer as he travels to Africa to search for some place he can be at peace. Before you worry and gather visions of Jack joining some African tribe and living happily amongst the animals, let me remind you that the sole purpose of Jack Bauer is to kick ass! Peace makes for bad TV (although so did the 'conflict' in season 6), so rest assured that wherever Jack goes evil will follow, and probably in the form of a middle-eastern terrorist.

Upon arrival in Africa to meet up with an old friend, Jack gets caught up in a military coup. The events that follow are supposed to bridge the gap and lead us from season 6 (shiver) to season 7.
Lets hope that, redemption, is what this brings to a show that has fallen so far from grace. May it remind us that "24" used to be so good before.

Here is the trailer/commercial if you havent seen it yet.

I like how they say "Keifer Sutherland returns."...Was that not him last season?

...Hmmm maybe thats why it sucked...


Friday, October 10, 2008

Little Big Planet (warning: immature humor abounds)...

I saw this earlier today and had a little giggle to myself. Let me explain for those who done get where I may be going with this right away.

Sony has a game coming out soon, for the PS3 called Little Big Planet. Its a game in which users create content (levels, among other things) and share it with the community. I started reading up on this game a few months back when I initially saw screenshots of it, and it looks like its gunna be alot of fun. I was a bit pissed, because a few years ago i thought of a similar idea. I seem to do this alot. Hey, im not in the game industry, maybe I should be . Your in-game self is a cute little voodoo doll-esque Character named Sackboy. Yeah Sack.....Boy.

Now obviously this game is gunna support downloadable content and the guys at Media Molecule (The games' developer) have shown some off that they plan on adding. Anyone who has seen the commercial knows that if you preorder the game at Gamestop you get an exclusive costume for your sackboy, ::giggle:: of Kratos from the God of War series. Just recently announced is a Final Fantasy Pack that will add costumes like Sephiroth, and others Im sure, but the real goodness is the Metal Gear Solid Pack that will add costumes for Solid Snake!

Now the punch line:

I can't wait to pick up this game, download the Metal Gear Pack, and play as Solid Sack....or is it Old Sack? Perhaps Liquid Sack? Maybe the Pack will include Metal Gear Solid 3 stuff and we can play as Naked Sack.

So Delightfully wrong in every way....

Hey, as long as there is no Raiden Sack....

Here is the pic of him from Gamespot. The game will be available October 21st.

Who am I kidding, this was all just a reason to tag a post with "old sack" and not be totally disgusting. One life goal I can now cross off the list.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

ET coming to us on 10/14/08??

It’s all in the article, but apparently a women named Blossom Goodchild
, yeah I know, predicted a few months back that on October 14th 2008 species from another planet will make themselves known. She predicts it will be in Alabama, sure why not Alabama. She also says they will be here not to take over but to better ourselves as human beings, before we destroy this planet.

Now I am a believer in aliens existing on other planets, hell I will even go so far to say that some might even be here among us. I know that's crazy but seriously, anybody who thinks that out of all of the universe we are the only existing beings, well I'm sorry but that's insane. Now I'm not saying what this woman says is true and it WILL happen, but I sure as hell am intrigued. I really don't expect anything to happen next Tuesday, coincidentally the new Indian Jones comes out and that had aliens in it. Maybe that's what they meant. So I guess we should just watch the skies for the next week or so and keep an open mind on Tuesday because hey you never know. This does remind me a little bit of 'Signs' that movie by M. Night Shamalam(sp?). So if you excuse me I am going to go make a tinfoil hat and watch the skies.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Don't vote!!! Ok just kidding you should vote

This is kind of hypocritical of me since I don't plan on voting, I know it's so "important" and that my one single vote does count /sarcasm. I will admit that I think this is the most important election we have had in 8 years. But honestly I just don't see how my vote counts. Ok I will be fair and say this, I want Obama to win more than anybody else running for simple reasons none of which are political in any way. So if Obama loses by 1 single vote, I can be blamed and I dono I guess I will cut off a toe or something as an apology. The main reason I am posting this is because I thought it was done very well and it made me feel kind of guilty that I don't plan to vote. That and it's better than that fucking Vote or Die bullshit P Puffy Diddy douche bag did 4 years ago, when we all know who ever we voted for then... we were screwed. Anyway maybe this will make some of you vote, or just make you feel like shit because you choose not to.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

My first online video!...

My first online video! This is a clip of an office prank I pulled on a fellow co-worker back in April. The video was shot be my boss with his cell phone. Its a video of him jiggling the jello mold with the duck in it. If you are a fan of "The Office" you should get a laugh out of this at least.

Let me know what you think!
