Friday, August 29, 2008

The Shield's Final Act Starts Tonight

It's be a long time coming but The Final Season of The Shield starts tonight and I for one can't wait. I don't know to much about this season, FX has been very hush hush, and that's hard to do considering the last episode was filmed last November. Because of the writer strike we had to wait another 9 months just to see this season. I am going to do a little overview of the seasons and then give a few predictions on this final season. Do not read the overview if you have never seen the show and plan to watch it sometime because their will be spoilers.

Season 1:
Vic Kill's Terry becuase Terry was planing on ratting on the Strike Team and their dirty deals.
Vic and Shane get away with killing another cop, Ronnie and Lem have

Season 2:
The Strike Team steals money from the Armenian Mob (Armenian Money Train)

Season 3:
The Strike Team tries to stay of the radar as being the ones who stole from the Money Train
Lem gets paranoid and scared so he burns almost all the money
The Strike Teams breaks up

Season 4:
Antwon Mitchell Shows up
New Captian has decided to put some faith in Vic
Shane gets in deep with Antwon
Strike Team reforms to help get Shane out of trouble

Season 5:
Lt. Kavanaugh from IAD opens a case on Vic and his Strike Team
Vic is back on the radar for the death of Terry
Vic is also being pushed into early retirement
Lem gets picked up by IAD for heroin and is asked to turn on his team
Lem doesn't turn, he tells his guys he is wired, Strike Team does every thing they can to keep Lem out of prison
Lem gets offered a deal for 5 years in prison and wants to take it
The Strike team here's that Lem takes a deal and thinks Lem is turning on them
Shane meets up with Lem and kills him, thinking he is saving him and the rest of the team
Vic plans to kill who ever killed Lem, not knowing it's Shane who did it

Season 6:
Shane finds out that Lem was never going to turn on him, so he killed his best friend for no reason
Vic finds out that Shane killed Lem, Shane makes a list of all the shit they have done just incase
Shane gets into business with Armenians, tells them about Vic and the money train not knowing it would be bad
Shane tries to protect Vic and his family, Vic thinks he's trying to hurth them
Vic finds leverage on some higher ups which could help save his job

So season 7 starts in about 9 hours, I have to work so I will miss it but thank God for my DVR. Here is a small preview of season 7:

My predictions. I don't think anybody will die, Vic is going to Mexico I can just see that happening. I think Vic's end will be alone and drunk in Mexico. I had always thought Ronnie was undercover, he doesn't say much and is way to clean for somebody who is a dirty cop. But I think he is just smart and in the end will look out for himself since he knows he can't trust Vic and Shane.
Everything else I will learn in the coming weeks, I bet I am wrong on every prediction, I hope I am. We will soon find out though. It's taken a while but the night is finally here and I am pumped.

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