Friday, December 19, 2008

Free Stuff From The Web!!!...

First post in over a month! From me at least.....

The other day I stumbled upon something on the internet that I thought I would pass around to the handful of random visitors we get here on the blog.

Are you a Halo fan? Are you an old school Super Metroid fan? Have you ever wanted to see what would happen if Samus's gameplay and Master Chief's universe got smashed together?

If you answered yes to any of this, you are a huge nerd (Hey, I am too), but I am also about to make your wish come true. If you haven't seen this already that is.

Released about 2 years ago, Halo Zero Takes place before the events of Halo: combat evolved on the Original Xbox. Im not really an expert on the Halo mythos, so Im not sure exactly how long before the first game these events are. All I know is the gameplay works well.

A simple 2d sidescroller in the same vein as Super Metroid, Halo Zero's controls are mapped to your keyboard, and can be remapped in any configuration to suit your liking. Controls include a primary attack (gun), Left and right movement, Jumping and crouching, melee attacking, grenade throwing, as well as switching between grenade types (Plasma "sticky grenades" or Normal grenades) and weapon types. Weapons in the game, are the iconic weapons featured in the original Halo, and include; the pistol, assault rifle, sniper rifle, rocket launcher, plasma pistol, plasma rifle, shotgun, needler, and the energy sword. Aiming is done via mouse by means of on-screen crosshairs. Enemies included in the game are; Covenant grunts, elites, hunters, banshee's, and jackles. Health is managed in much the same way as the console versions, including the regenerating shield that recharges when your not taking damage.

Overall, not much to complain about here. The only real knock I have is the game's length, but considering its a fan made game have to understand why its not a hours long epic Halo game. Very well put togther.

Well made for a Fan game.
Decent graphics.
Music and sounds from the Original Halo
2 Warthog Driving levels!

Short! will take you less than an hour the beat.

Head on over to The Official Halo Zero page to check it out for yourself. Its a free download and worth a try. They even seem to be working on Halo Zero 2!

Enjoy some screens I took....

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