Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Chistma...I mean...Happy Holidays! (pts 2&3)

Ok so I lied... I didnt come back yesterday for part 2. Im gunna be good for it today though and post yesterday and today's updates in my week long series of holiday cheer. Enjoy...

And one for today...

FA ra ra ra ra....ra ra, ra ra!!!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Merry Christma...I mean...Happy Hollidays! Pt 1...

Just thought I'd kick this Christmas week off with a bit of nerdy holiday cheer, courtesy of Chewbacca. Enjoy.

Ill be back with more, tomorrow....

Friday, December 19, 2008

Free Stuff From The Web!!!...

First post in over a month! From me at least.....

The other day I stumbled upon something on the internet that I thought I would pass around to the handful of random visitors we get here on the blog.

Are you a Halo fan? Are you an old school Super Metroid fan? Have you ever wanted to see what would happen if Samus's gameplay and Master Chief's universe got smashed together?

If you answered yes to any of this, you are a huge nerd (Hey, I am too), but I am also about to make your wish come true. If you haven't seen this already that is.

Released about 2 years ago, Halo Zero Takes place before the events of Halo: combat evolved on the Original Xbox. Im not really an expert on the Halo mythos, so Im not sure exactly how long before the first game these events are. All I know is the gameplay works well.

A simple 2d sidescroller in the same vein as Super Metroid, Halo Zero's controls are mapped to your keyboard, and can be remapped in any configuration to suit your liking. Controls include a primary attack (gun), Left and right movement, Jumping and crouching, melee attacking, grenade throwing, as well as switching between grenade types (Plasma "sticky grenades" or Normal grenades) and weapon types. Weapons in the game, are the iconic weapons featured in the original Halo, and include; the pistol, assault rifle, sniper rifle, rocket launcher, plasma pistol, plasma rifle, shotgun, needler, and the energy sword. Aiming is done via mouse by means of on-screen crosshairs. Enemies included in the game are; Covenant grunts, elites, hunters, banshee's, and jackles. Health is managed in much the same way as the console versions, including the regenerating shield that recharges when your not taking damage.

Overall, not much to complain about here. The only real knock I have is the game's length, but considering its a fan made game have to understand why its not a hours long epic Halo game. Very well put togther.

Well made for a Fan game.
Decent graphics.
Music and sounds from the Original Halo
2 Warthog Driving levels!

Short! will take you less than an hour the beat.

Head on over to The Official Halo Zero page to check it out for yourself. Its a free download and worth a try. They even seem to be working on Halo Zero 2!

Enjoy some screens I took....

Snake?? SNAKE!!!!!!!!!

So the whole reason I bought a PS3 was for Metal Gear Solid 4 and the Blu-Ray. Now I find out that Little Big Planet is doing a special MGS4 update. This looks like it will be so much fun, and the best part is the user created levels will be much more authentic with real music, backgrounds, and objects. Most importantly playing as Snake is going to be great. I don't know if we will have to pay for it but if we need to it will be money well spent. I haven't heard a release date yet but I will post it when I find out.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

You'll Shoot Your Eye Out

Tis the season, to stress the fuck out. I mean really, it’s hard to enjoy the holidays when all you do is buy gift after gift and than wonder if the gift you got was good enough… or is that just me? Thankfully I don’t have to buy to many gifts, but I have noticed the older I get the more people I buy for. Some people are hard to buy for so you scour the net looking for something you can only hope the person will like. On the other hand the people that are easy to buy for are in their own way hard to buy for as well. If they are easy to buy for than chances are the gift you were planning on buying, well somebody was probably thinking the same thing. So I am going to make it easy for some of you and give you my top 5 gifts I would like to see under my tree.

5. Gift Card: You can’t go wrong with a gift card to pretty much anywhere. Just don’t be like Grandma and not realize times have changed and $10 can’t get you anything anymore.

4. Blu-Ray movies: If you know me than you know what movies I like, and if your going to buy me movies than you know Blu-Ray is the way to go.

3. Daredevil: I am WAY behind on this, like 6 months behind and just don’t have the time to go to a comic shop and feel out of place not knowing what I am doing, so I will leave that to you :)

2. Supernatural season 2 or 3: Preferably season 3 as it was the better of the two. TV shows come out faster than I expect and worst of all they come out around the same time. So I can’t pick any of them up because who can choose?

1. The Office season 3 or 4: I never had the chance to pick either of these up. I am always renting them, watching them, and of course laughing. One or the other will do, I have seen them all over and over so no need to keep it in order.

There you have it, another list of stuff down the drain. I must come off very needy with all my lists.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Holy Blu-Ray Review Batman!!

So the day has come and gone, no not the coming of Christ, though just as, if not more important, The Dark Knight has come to DVD and Blu-Ray. I of course bought the Blu-Ray edition and I must say it looks incredible. I have an even bigger appreciation for it because I had seen it on DVD a few days before I watched it on Blu-Ray, take my word for it, there is a difference. The DVD looks awful on a 42 inch widescreen TV. It’s very stretched and the black bars on the top and bottom of the screen take up most of the TV. Now the Blu-Ray on the other hand. Small black bars, and they even included the IMAX scenes so in some parts of the movie there are no black bars at all. As for the extras, meh… For the biggest movie of the year I feel a little let down. They give you three documentaries, that you could seen on the History Channel before the release of the theater release of the movie. None of which had anything to do with the making of the film.

The movie itself really lives up to the hype. I think a lot of people think because of Heath Ledger’s death this film gets put on a pedestal that it doesn’t belong on. Now, yes Ledger’s death helped hype this movie a lot. But I know before his death people were drooling over the trailer and saying how awesome his pretrial of The Joker will be and how big of a star he is going to be because of this role. With that said I think if Ledger were alive we would be in the same position with this movie, it was great and you can’t take anything away from that.

So obviously this movie is a must own, not a rent, borrow, or steal. Seriously I know it’s just about 2009 and you can torrent the file just about anywhere, or find a site to watch it on for free. But it’s worth the money to own it, and if you have a Blu-Ray player spend the extra ten dollars on the Blu-Ray edition. Seriously who buys the DVD when they can have the Blu-Ray?

Well that’s it for today… damn it feels good to be back!

Monday, December 1, 2008

We will be back soon...

Steve and I are both busy with going back to school and suffering what some call a little writers block. Bust rest assure we will be back and hopefully before the new year. So don't fret, oh I don't know, random google visitor. We will be back and...