Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Seriously... (The Chris Cornell edition)

Lets get a few things out in the air before I "Carry On".

Audioslave = awesome band. Soundgarden = awesome band. Chris Cornell on his own = Terrible!

This morning I heard the new Chris Cornell single "Scream", and this is exactly what I wanted to do once I heard it. Go ahead and do a little searchy search for it on the you tubes, its so bad I'm not even gonna post a video of it here. Following in the footsteps of Cornell's epic fail of last year, "Carry On", is a new album, due out in October, and sure epic fail for this year. Oh yeah and by the way, it's produced by...... Timbaland?

You read that right! The hip-hop (or whatever the kids are calling it these days) producer that is responsible for such gems as "The Way I are". The apparently not so rich, but famous record producer/rapper that doesnt even have a "Visa or Red American Express", (Listen to the song....do it, Im not making this shit up.) and can't supply his girl with cheese or car keys, (I guess the music industry really doesn't pay well) is now producing a record for Chris Cornell! That's the same Chris Cornell that once belted out songs like "Black Hole Sun" ,"Fell On Black Days", and fronted Audioslave.

Are these the black days he was referring to? A once bright shining career has fallen into a "Black hole......sun". Will the"Spoonman" ever get out of his "Rusty Cage", leave the "Superunknown", strike a "Jesus Christ Pose", and "Blow Up the Outside World" ever again?

Or will we have to face the "Ugly Truth", that he has suffered "An Unkind" "Head Injury" at the hands of a "Rhinosaur", leaving "Zero Chance" that his new album won't "Applebite"? Only time will tell.

Can I fit any more Soundgarden or Chris Cornell references and into one post? (Go ahead, Google the song titles if your not familiar)..... You know I can!

Here we go.....

I personally hope that his next album is good enough to leave all the recent crap he has written "Outshined". Till then this CD is sure to be a "Burden In My Hand". OK Ill stop now, I think you know how I feel.

Posted by Ste.....ah hell, "You Know My Name."

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