Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Earlier today on MSNBC's website this picture was on the very top in an article about the economy and the stock market. After seeing this I have one question to ask the government.....

Wha cha gunna do, when the stock market comes crashing down on you?!


Monday, September 29, 2008

The Dark Knight on Blu-Ray *UPDATE*

December 9th Ladies and Gents, that's all we have to wait for. I personally will be getting the Joker cover, at least I want to but I think most people will want that one so I will have to either pre-order or go to Wal-Mart at midnight. Can't wait to pick it up and watch it in all it's High Def goodness.

*UPDATE*After looking at the picture it doesn't look like two separate covers. One looks to be a slip cover the other the dvd case. Don't really know for sure since I have never seen a Blu-Ray with a slip cover and a lot of people have been saying they want the joker cover over the Batman one. Not that it matters but I figured I should make mention of it since at least 5 people will read this and 4 of you will call me an ass.*END UPDATE*

Oh and I found this the other day, I don't really know what to do with it besides let the 5 year old in me have a good laugh.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

I got a laugh from this...

Kinda funny idea, not hillarious but good for a chuckle. Though I would share ...

Saturday, September 27, 2008

What else do I do in my spare time?...

Just another little project of mine. I have an account at Deviant Art and have done some stuff and posted it there. For those of you not familiar, its an art community. Yup, Im one of those weirdo artists, but you probably knew that already. Not much there as of now. Hopefully there will be soon. Let me know what you think!

Here is the link....


Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Seriously... (The Chris Cornell edition)

Lets get a few things out in the air before I "Carry On".

Audioslave = awesome band. Soundgarden = awesome band. Chris Cornell on his own = Terrible!

This morning I heard the new Chris Cornell single "Scream", and this is exactly what I wanted to do once I heard it. Go ahead and do a little searchy search for it on the you tubes, its so bad I'm not even gonna post a video of it here. Following in the footsteps of Cornell's epic fail of last year, "Carry On", is a new album, due out in October, and sure epic fail for this year. Oh yeah and by the way, it's produced by...... Timbaland?

You read that right! The hip-hop (or whatever the kids are calling it these days) producer that is responsible for such gems as "The Way I are". The apparently not so rich, but famous record producer/rapper that doesnt even have a "Visa or Red American Express", (Listen to the song....do it, Im not making this shit up.) and can't supply his girl with cheese or car keys, (I guess the music industry really doesn't pay well) is now producing a record for Chris Cornell! That's the same Chris Cornell that once belted out songs like "Black Hole Sun" ,"Fell On Black Days", and fronted Audioslave.

Are these the black days he was referring to? A once bright shining career has fallen into a "Black hole......sun". Will the"Spoonman" ever get out of his "Rusty Cage", leave the "Superunknown", strike a "Jesus Christ Pose", and "Blow Up the Outside World" ever again?

Or will we have to face the "Ugly Truth", that he has suffered "An Unkind" "Head Injury" at the hands of a "Rhinosaur", leaving "Zero Chance" that his new album won't "Applebite"? Only time will tell.

Can I fit any more Soundgarden or Chris Cornell references and into one post? (Go ahead, Google the song titles if your not familiar)..... You know I can!

Here we go.....

I personally hope that his next album is good enough to leave all the recent crap he has written "Outshined". Till then this CD is sure to be a "Burden In My Hand". OK Ill stop now, I think you know how I feel.

Posted by Ste.....ah hell, "You Know My Name."

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Seriously.... (The "Goatee Saver" edition)

OK, this is something I found online and just had to make sure everyone got a chance to see.

As a member of the "goatee wearing community" I find this incredibly sad. To think that this marketing is going to work on some guy out there. Someone who lacks the self confidence to even shave himself properly. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe its an art form and I'm just an artisan of goatee shaping. No...no I'm right, this is stupid.

Go here for the full effect.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Metallica - "Death Magnetic" review...

I closed my eyes and pressed play, my face looked as though I was expecting a great deal of pain, a kick in the nether-regions, or something terrible in that vein. These feelings totally validated by Metallica’s last effort, 2003’s St. Anger. To me this was essentially Metallica proving that the brown note exists as more than just a myth (busted, my ASS, Mythbusters!).

Now, first I need to say that I have been a big fan of Metallica though the years; unlike most of their “fans” that said they went bad after 1988’s “…And Justice For All”. I even got enjoyment out or Load and ReLoad, which is blasphemy to most “old school” Metallica fans. Do I think that their earlier stuff was better? Absolutely, but with the exception of St. Anger, none of there stuff was bad. I didn’t want to give up hope that they just didn’t have it in them anymore. Still, given the issues that have arisen within the band in recent years; their anti file sharing stance (that upset a lot of people just with the way they handled it), James’ drug and alcohol issues, as well as James and Lars’ general assholy-ness, I’m sure a lot of people did give up hope on them.

Part of me (ok, most of me) was frightened by the sheer length of time that they took in writing Death Magnetic. Its hard not to work up unbeatable expectations for something that takes half a decade to produce. For about a month leading up to 9/12 release of the album, the band released 4 tracks, one each week, to give fans something to chew on. The songs included where obviously some of the best tracks on the album; “The Day That Never Comes”, “Cyanide”, “My Apocalypse”, and “The Judas Kiss”. Hearing these tracks before the albums release did manage to calm some of my fears, but there are 10 songs on the disc, so that left 6 chances for the poop tone sounds of St. Laxative to surface again.

There I sat, chair turned toward the bathroom just incase of emergency as the play list progressed. However, I can gladly say that as the music started to play, slowly my fears started to subside, as did the intestinal cramping. A few songs stood out more than others, which was to be expected, and a few of them take a couple of listens to really get into. As I listened, a sound came out of the speakers that seemed familiar, yet slightly different. Not entirely 1980’s thrash metal, but also far from the tin can sound of St. Anger. Not really 1991’s “Metallica” (commonly and mistakenly referred to as “The Black Album”), 96’s “Load”, or 97’s “ReLoad”, but not really “Kill ‘em All” “Ride the Lightening”, or “…And Justice For All” either. “Death Magnetic is kind of all of them. The album barrows from the sounds of Metallica’s previous works, yet manages to add a more modern feel to it. I can gladly say that all in all Metallica didn’t disappoint. The album does have its weaker moments and is certainly not the best disc to bear the Metallica name, but for the most part it is a welcomed return to form for a band many gave up on.

If you ran away after having your ears flogged by St. Anger, you can come back. Give ‘em another shot, so in 5 years they can write “The Unforgiven IV”

I give this album 4 James Hetfield over exaggerated hyauh’s, out of 5

Top 10 items to pick up by the end of the year Pt. 2

Last week I left you with 10-6 of what I am waiting for this week it's the last 5. These are the things I am really anxious to get my hands on. I thought I should point out that this list is in a order of which I want most. Obviously I want all this stuff but number one is what I can't wait to get and number 10 is what I really want but not something I am going to steal just to have. Any way let me continue with the list.

5. Iron Man (Blu-Ray): Great, great movie, and what a way to start off the summer. I expected nothing from this movie and got everything. Robert Downey Jr did a great job, which he has been doing a lot this year. Every movie I have seen him in this year I have really liked. I think this movie rekick started his career. Releases Sept. 30, 2008.

007 Quantum of Solace: I never like James Bond movie, I found them very corny and boring. So I was a little hesitant to watch Casino Royale, but when I did I loved it. Great story, great action, and no corny gadgets. This movie looks like it’s going to be very good if not better than Casino Royale and although I wont be technically buying this movie I will be purchasing a ticket to see it. Releases Nov. 14, 2008.

3. Fallout 3 (PS3): Yet another game on my list, haven’t wanted this many games since I was 16. Fallout is a series I have loved. The first 2 were great, and the one thing I liked about them is they were different. Most games back then were based in the dark ages with knights a wizards and all that crap. Always found that boring, Fallout was different, it’s in the future, post nuclear war I believe. And it has guns, not swords and bows and arrows and magic faggy spells. I am looking forward to owning this game and if it’s anything like other RPGs I have played… I will never finish it. Releases Oct. 28, 2008.

2. New Breaking Benjamin Album: Now this is only rumored to come out by the end of this year but I want it now. There isn’t one Breaking Benjamin song I don’t like. The one thing I like about this band is that most, if not all, of their songs sound different. Ben’s voice is insane, and doesn’t seem like it would come out of him. One thing I love about this band is that they are not hugely popular. I think it kills a band when they get huge because then all the people that need to express their hatred and thousands more to their bandwagon. Releases ???, 2008?

1. The Dark Knight (Blu-Ray): The movie of the summer, if not decade. Ok I wont go that far but I was pretty fantastic. Damn shame we wont get to see Heath Ledger reprise his role as The Joker, he was fantastic. I am so happy the trailer was released before his death because he was getting a lot of praise for the way he pulled of The Joker. So nobody can claim that it was just because he died that people think it’s so great. I have no idea what day this comes out just that it will be out in December and before Christmas, I just can’t wait to own it. Releases Dec. ??, 2008.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

"I believe you have my stapler."...

So it seems the TPS report cover page isn't the only "Office Space" reference in "F.E.A.R.". The screenshot isnt mine, i found it online in yahoo images, but here is yet another reference I never noticed before. Thoght I would share.

As a side note on this subject, I also found this on the internets....
Virtual stapler!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Top 10 items to pick up by the end of the year Pt. 1

This list will be part one of 2 of the of the Top 10 things I am looking forward to picking up before the year ends, be it a video game, movie, hell there is even a "book" on the list. So Enjoy and who knows I may open your eyes to something you didn't know about.

10. Supernatural Season 3: This show is pretty good, and some how it got on the CW network. Season 3 was a very good season and thanks to the writers strike it pretty much stayed on the story and didn’t have any filler episodes. It’s also the first season of the show to come out on Blu-Ray. Releases Nov 11, 2008.

9. Incredible Hulk: A much better movie than the first and thank God they redid it. Edward Norton as always was great, this movie is definitely worthy of a place on my new Blu-Ray shelf. Releases Oct. 21, 2008.

8. Left 4 Dead (PC): I don’t get to pumped about games anymore but this one looks pretty cool, and it’s got online coop which is the only reason I am buying it. I don’t know to much about the story except there are zombies, LOTS of zombies and it’s you and 3 other people fighting them off… sounds like blast to me. Releases Nov. 11, 2008.

7. The Joker: This is for the geek in me who sometimes likes a good graphic novel. It’s been a while since I read one but The Joker seems like it could be good. Now I don’t know much about the story but the art is very nice, and that’s what draws (pun) me to comics/graphic novels in the first place. I also like how Joker kinds of looks like The Dark Knights Joker, I hear the art was started before any Dark Knight photos were seen so it’s not a blatant copy by any means… not that that will stop people from bitching. Releases Nov. 4, 2008 according to amazon.com, and sometime in October everywhere else I have looked.

6. Far Cry 2 (PS3): This game looks incredible visually so I hope the game itself is as good as it looks. The original Far Cry came out a few years ago and was an ok game but visually it was incredible. A lot of new features and original ideas have been implemented into this game. Ripping shrapnel out of your arm or breaking your arm back into place to get your health back up is gruesome but damn cool. Releases Oct. 21, 2008.

Part 2 later this week...

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Separated at birth?...

Ok so we were playing Ranbow Six Vegas on PC one day when I saw this and.....Well, just look at the picture.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Did ya get the memo?....

So, Im not sure why, but the other day I decided to pop the game F.E.A.R. into my computer and play for a bit. I haven't touched this game since I beat it shortly after it came out a few years ago. I don't know, maybe it was because the new one is getting close to release?

Anyways, I was playing and came across this. I'm sure its probably been pointed out before by someone, but I just noticed it for the first time a few days ago.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

A little appreciation

A little TV show called Freaks and Geeks came on TV back in the 1999–2000 TV season. And if you watch the intro video above you can see that their are a few familiar faces. James Franco from Spider-Man 1-3, Seth Rogan from 40 Year old Virgin, Knocked Up, Superbad, and all those other summer comedies most of us have seen a laugh our asses off too. Also Jason Segel from some show with Doogie Howser, and from Forgetting Sarah Marshall. If you have never seen this show I have to recomend it, it about the reality of high school, you know not the OC or 90210 pretty people with problems crap, but stuff they might actually happen or maybe even did happen to some of you. It's also a damn funny show, and it's a shame NBC canceled it so quickly. It was one of the shows that was good but NBC couldn't get their head out of thier ass and find a deffinate time slot for it so people just never knew when it was on. Anyway just wanted to give a shoutout to this show, I think it's a must watch, anybody who went to high school felt like these kids from time to time.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Pawn shop ads.....What is the deal?!?...

Im not sure what the deal is, but it seems like pawn shops are required to have rediculous commercials, and living so close to Hartford means I seem to see them all. Check out below for just a few of the whacked out ads that you may or may not have seen on tv.



Not sure what to say about this one....


I know everyone has seen these, but a post about pawn shop ads that doesnt include this seems just wrong...

All my broken joowry...

This is just creepy....

so $2500.00 is all it takes to make you forget about how you husband just kicked off huh?

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Remember this?...

I have no idea why, but this old TV commercial from a few years ago popped into my head. I used to get a good laugh out of it back then and its still funny now. Just thought i needed to post it here.